She's been on my mind a lot lately, I work with the public, I get to see the lack of manners all day long. Too be fair I do also see some superb manners as well, but that is less common. I can remember looking forward to reading Miss Manners columns when ever I could get the chance over the years. I don't read the paper at all anymore, so I don't even know if she still has a column or not. This morning at work I asked the one lady at work, "I wonder if Miss Manners is still alive?" She said "who?" I said "oh you city people". And wondered if it does make a difference if you are raised on the back roads in rural America?
Reason for all my manners questioned lately, what else, but who holds the door open? I'm sure it's against what Miss Manners teaches, but I don't believe it is gender related anymore. In the general sense I believe if you are with others or have other people near you, first one there holds the door. Please for the love of shear politeness, say "thank you" though. However my rules change for the elderly. I think with them you make a point to hold the door no matter who gets there first, I will walk fast to make sure I'm first. See someone struggling with a walker or cane, be grateful you aren't and take the extra minute or two to help hold the door(s). My opinion of people has changed after seeing how they approach the whole who opens the door thing, not usually for the better 😒
If I have to pass in front of you in the store isle while you are looking something, I will politely say "excuse me". I have had people say it to me as well, but it's rare!!! Everyone is in a damn hurry and has a sense of entitlement, they aren't going to say "excuse me" when they feel they have the right to be there. Last night I was at the drug store looking at one of the shelves for something. A man and his teenage son came in, they walked in front of me, nothing, no "excuse me" nothing!!! Make it worse, they stop in front of me to look at something!!! WTF? Really, what are you teaching your son? Shame on you for not setting a better example of not only how to be a man, but a decent human being. I did say, "excuse me, please feel free to cut me off" Still no acknowledgement. I felt invisible like Michael Richards character on Night Court. (Yeah I've been YouTubing)
Look what I found, so cool and now I can say I learned something. 😍
Look what I found, so cool and now I can say I learned something. 😍
Maybe if we can all just try just a smidgen to be a little nicer and practice good manners, maybe we can all get along better. Now I'm off in search of Miss Manners, is she still around?